Menstrual education is very important for all young women to not only be able to understand their bodies better but be aware of the various products used for upkeeping hygiene during periods. Products such as pads, tampons and menstrual cups are not only used for leakage prevention but also to stay healthy, confident and safe during your periods.
So let us take a look at different menstruation products and everything that you need to know about them.
PeriodsBefore we dive into period products, let's take a brief look at the ‘what is menstruation cycle’ and ‘periods’ which bring about a need to use such products.
Your menstruation cycle is a phenomenon which repeats itself every month. It can be 22 to 35 days long and stretches from the first day of your period to the last day of your next period.
It has 4 phases viz. menstrual, follicular, ovulation and luteal phase. These four stages correspond to the sequence of events that a female body goes through in order to prepare for the likelihood of pregnancy. In case you do not get pregnant during this time, the uterine lining that was built to nest and nourish a baby is expelled out of the vagina in the form of period blood. This marks your period.
Now that you know what is menstruation cycle, let us go ahead and learn about the different types of menstrual products.
Types of Menstrual Hygiene ProductsLearning about different period products not only allows you to gain menstrual health awareness for better health but also opens up the opportunity to choose the best period product to suit your needs.
Sanitary NapkinsSanitary napkins or pads are the most commonly used period products all over the globe. They could easily also be the oldest existing tool for leakage and stain protection during periods. However, modern-age pads for periods have come a long way. Made with super-absorbent fabric laid in layers, they are highly efficient in absorbing and preventing period blood leakage. They can retain the fluid for long hours, saving you from the hassle of changing frequently. And since they are disposable, they are also very hygienic and mess-free. Moreover, these pads usually also have a dry top sheet and a core that can absorb the smell, which together works to keep you fresh, dry and comfortable for longer.
How to Use and Dispose of Sanitary PadsUsing pads is extremely easy. You just have to remove the paper at its back to reveal the sticky side. Paste this side on the gusset region of your panty and wear it as usual. Ensure that your pad is right under your vagina to be able to catch all of the period fluid effectively.
When your pad is full and you need to dispose of it, you can peel it off your panty to throw it away in a garbage bin. Never flush it as it can clog the toilet.
RememberYou must always use the correct absorbency of the pad to suit your flow, viz. light flow pads for scanty flow, regular flow pads for medium flow and heavy flow pads for heavy flow. Also, always change your pad every 4-6 hours to prevent rashes and infections.
TamponsTampons are the second most widely popular period products which are used by women across the world. They too have been used for centuries now but then it was just cotton tightly wound with gauze. Today’s tampons make use of the latest technology to provide superior protection and comfort. Made with high-quality cotton and rayon fibres that are tightly wound to form very small cylindrical structures, they are very absorbent and efficient. They need to be put inside your vagina to make them work, where they sit and absorb period fluid preventing it from leaking out and thus also preventing stains.
How to Use and Dispose of TamponsTampons are a bit tricky to use so you need proper menstrual education to use them correctly and avoid health issues. To use them, you need to squat down so that your vagina opens up to make their insertion easier and smoother. Take a tampon out from its wrapper and with the help of its cardboard or plastic applicator or just your fingers, guide it inside. It must be fully inserted to the point that you can no longer feel it there. Let the string attached to its rear end hang out. This is used to pull the tampon out after use.
Once your tampon is full, you can tug on the string to pull it out. Now wrap it up in tissue and throw it away in a dustbin.
RememberTampons come in different sizes which are essentially their absorbing capacities; viz. slim or junior tampons for light flow, regular tampons for medium flow and super tampons for heavy flow. Always use a tampon with the lowest size or absorbency that’s suitable for your flow and change it every 4-6 hours to avoid any infection and TSS which is a rare but potentially fatal medical condition.
Menstrual CupsFor complete menstrual health awareness, you must also learn about menstrual cups which are the latest menstrual hygiene tools and getting popular among women with every passing day. They are very simple devices but are great for preventing the leakage of period blood and staining caused by it. Fabricated using silicone, they are flexible and have a cup-shaped design and need to be inserted inside your vagina just like tampons. However, unlike tampons, they can be reused again and again.
You need to squat down to open up your vagina, pinch the cup and insert it inside, releasing it. The menstrual cup sits inside your vagina and collects the menstrual fluid. After it is full, you must take it out pulling at its base and empty it. You can then wash it thoroughly for reuse.
ConclusionMenstrual education is necessary to bring awareness about menstrual health. It helps women learn about various ways and tools with which they can maintain their hygiene and good health even during their period days. With the help of the information shared above, you can also carefully consider and find the best period product for yourself.